Avionics modules and systems programming  

Characteristics of programming languages. Principles of creating programs in high and low level languages. General characteristics of integrated programming environments supporting programming and starting microprocessor-based systems. Program syntax in as- sembler language and C language. Declaration of variables and constants. Operations on arithmetic operators. Operations on logi- cal operators. The use of pointers and variable arrays. Standard input/output functions, input/output formatting. Operation of inter- rupt systems. Operation of input/output circuits and serial inter- faces. Operation of built-in peripherals of microprocessor systems: counters, timers, real-time clock, A/D and D/A converters. Opera- tion of external devices. General characteristics of visual high-level languages. Introduction to integrated programming environments. Basic data types. Characteristics of JAVA and NET runtime envi- ronments. Internal instructions and functions of the language. Defi- nition and calling of user functions. Methods of returning values through a function argument. Basic features of object-oriented pro- gramming: range of available arguments and methods, inheritance, classes. Developing a graphic interface of an application. The use of the interrupt system in an application. Operation of computer hardware resources.
Avionics modules and systems programming

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